Thursday, March 17, 2005

Display the particular column value in one row

If u wanna display the particular column value in one row with Comma separated
The idea behind of that is only depends on self join

SELECT @str = COALESCE(@str+',','')+(SELECT UserID FROM UserMaster UM1 WHERE UM1.UserPKID = UM2.UserPKID ) FROM usermaster UM2

The Result like this

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Data Base -SQL Server

To find out 5 th Maximum Salary

select top 1 max(sal) from salary where
sal not in (select top 4 max(sal) from salary group by sal order by sal desc )

To find out 5 th value from Top
select top 1 * from salary where sal not in (select top 4 sal from salary )